All students must be signed out by an authorized person with photo ID.
Students who drive to school may check themselves out provided they have a parent note authorizing them to do so and a Permit to Leave form issued by the Attendance Office to be released from class at the time specified on the note.
Students that drive can drop off the note at the attendance office (located at front entrance of the school) preferably before school begins. The note should include:
- Student’s Name and ID #
- Date of Release
- Time of Release
- Reason of release
- Parent/Guardian Name and signature
- Contact phone numbers
- Permission to drive off campus (if applicable)
Please send email request an hour in advance in order to give the student office aide ample time to locate your student. A permit to leave early will not be sent to a student if we do not receive the request before 2:15 pm.
Please provide any doctor’s note to the attendance office when the student has been excused from school by a doctor.
If you use assistive technology and experience difficulty accessing the information below, please contact the attendance office.
College Visits – Juniors and Seniors are allowed two college visits days per year and must submit proper documentation from the college. Proper documentation includes a completed College Visit Verification form bearing an official stamp or seal OR verification provided by the college on their own form or letterhead stationery which includes student name and date of the visit and college representative signature. Click here for CV form-CV (College visit form)pdf
Religious holidays for which the proper form is completed and submitted to attendance office: Mission trips, church camps and conventions are not considered religious holidays. Click here for REL form-REL (Religious) Verificationpdf
If you know, in advance, your student will need to be absent, complete a Parent Request for Approved form (also known as a Pre-Approved Absence Form). Your student should submit the completed form to his or her Assistant Principal for approval. The form is available in the attendance office. Click here for parent request form-Parent Request for Excused Absencepdf
Court appearances for which court documentation is submitted to the Attendance Office.