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Alert Conroe ISD Open: Thursday, January 23

We hope you and your family fared well in the winter storm and had fun in the snow! We look forward to welcoming our students back tomorrow, Thursday, January 23.

Attendance and VOE Information

Oak Ridge High School

ORHS Attendance Information

If the student is 10th – 12th grader, please use Senior Campus email and phone numbers.

Senior Campus Email:

Senior Campus-Absence Line: 832-592-5433

Senior Campus-Attendance Office: 832-592-5464

Senior Campus Attendance Fax: 936-709-9434

***The cut-off time for early pick-up is 2:15 p.m.***

Please send email request an hour in advance in order to give the student office aide ample time to locate your student.

If the student is a 9th grader, please use 9th Grade Campus email and phone numbers.

9th Grade Campus Absence Email:

9th Grade Campus Attendance Line: 281-465-5012

9th Grade Campus Attendance Fax: 936-709-9504

Attendance Procedures